Monday, January 29, 2007

King's Indian Defence Rules!!!

Corus Chess 2007 (Wijk aan Zee, NED) saw Radjabov scored 3.5/4 with his favorite King's Indian Defence (KID) including 100% wins over the most feared Bayonett Attack.

More details and analysis of the games can be seen at
Round 1, van Wely 0-1, Classical, Bayonett Attack
Round 3, Shirov 0-1, Classical, Bayonett Attack
Round 11, Kramnik 1/2-1/2, Classical, Gligoric System
Round 12, Motylev 0-1, Classical

The KID had been suffering from some drawback since Kasparov stopped playing it during late 90s thanks to the Bayonett Attack with improvements by Kramnik! Yet, Radjabov had been playing it even suffering losses against Bareev back in 2002/03. (if not mistaken) and today, he had finally breakthrough with wins. I think KID will regain its popularity soon after this event.

Another bad news for adherents of Bayonett Attack from the White side is that, since Kramnik is not playing it against Radjabov at Corus, there might be some doubt in the line. I remember Kramnik still playing the Bayonett Attack during the Turin Olympaid which he got ONLY a draw against a 25++ player.

Seems like White's pawn sac at e6 square after Ng5, Ne6 and Black play Bxe6 is not so sufficient!

Lucky for me, I am playing both 1.d4 and 1.e4.

Until then,
Eu Hong

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