Monday, January 29, 2007

Tactically Blackout!!

Fast Internet connection is not available at my house cause the phone line I am using at home is registered as an business entity so I can only apply for Streamyx with extra payment... As a result I cannot always play online chess and even if I do, I will most of the time, lost on time, get disconnected, etc, etc, thanks to the poor dial up connection. :-(

Chess Tactics Server ( is one of the few solutions I can "afford"...
A snapshot of my handle at the server as follow...

My progress over there had been horrible recently. Don't know whether I am getting slower? Tactically blind? But my rating and success rate had dropped from 1667 to 1597 and 80.9% to 80.2% just within 1000 tries... seems like my goal of getting 1700 (rating) and 81% (success) by 10000 tries is moving further away weekly...

Until then,
Eu Hong

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