Sunday, March 11, 2007

Linares 2007

I was busy with activities over Friday and Saturday. So was not around to read or post anything... Too bad...

Round 13 of Linares was played out on Saturday with Morozevich beating then former FIDE Champion, Topalov while the rest of the games were drawn. The game between the 2 was interesting with a lot of useful lesson. First White went into the endgame with a microscopic advantage where draw is a most likely result, then Topalov fight on and White gets an outside passed pawn. Later the game turn into a K+Ps vs K+Ps endgame then K+Q+P vs K+Q+P and finally K+Q+Q vs K+Q+P where Topalov finally resigned.

The final position of the game.
Replay the game here.

Pairing of Round 14 which is probably going on now but I had to wait until hours later to know the result. =( Arghh, I am getting nervous...

Peter Leko - Magnus Carlsen
Peter Svidler - Alex. Morozevich
Veselin Topalov - Levon Aronian
Vassily Ivanchuk - Vishy Anand

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